About me

I'm a software engineer based in Gurugram, India. I'm currently a highschool junior programming for fun, attending hackathons and contributing to open source projects. On the side, I read and write about philosophy for other inquisitive minds.

What i'm doing

  • Machine Learning

    Using tools like tensorflow, keras, scikit-learn and pandas to build AI projects like time series forcasting, sentiment analysis, image classification, object detection, LLMs, etc.

  • Web development

    Designing using tools like Figma & Gimp. Fullstack development using react, node, express, mongoDB and more.

  • Linux & Sys Admin

    Maintaing multiple personal servers using RHEL. Familar with all common package managers including apt, yum/dnf, pacman, etc. Running arch linux + custom hyprland rice as my daily driver.

  • 3D Modelling

    Currently, I am working with and learning blender for 3D objects/animations and in-game charecters

  • Automation

    Web scraping and automation experience with python using selenium, puppeteer, bs4, playwright, etc to create effecient workflows.

  • CLI Development

    Created many fast and effecient CLI tools using c, rust, go and python for unix-based systems.